Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Moving SUX

Well not really its the packing and unpacking that sux lol. We have sooo soo soo much stuff and I cant beleive that we need it all ugh I wish I could throw it all away and start from scratch lol. No!! I just need to become more organized (which Im planning to so with the move lol).
Funny story ( well i think it is) Ive been setting up the bills and so, I get this email from our gas company saying the new address is not real ( i was like what) called them ( the lady was super nice) and she said she was sorry but there is no record of our address at all in their computer so I was like shit what the hell am i supposed to do... well come to find out nothing in the new house is gas LOLOLOL. I asked the land lady when we first starting talking to her what took gas and she said everything ( sees how much she know about her properties) anyhoo I just thought it was a funny story.

I cant wait till this move is over so I can start crafting I feel like Im going through withdrawals LOL. All my craft stuff is at the new house. We havent moved in yet we're waiting for the utilities to be turned on. So looking at all these craft blogs makes me want to do stuff but I have nothing over here its a bummer but I will get over it lol. Well this was a nice time to vent lol. The kids just woke up so gotta go. Will be back with more crafts as soon as I can.....

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to comment about the purse you made...quite beautiful. I'm a clothing designer/seamstress, so kudos to you for getting into sewing!!!! =)
    Kristina J.
